
Los Haitises všetko v jednom (jazda na kajaku, turistika, člnkovanie, jaskyniarstvo, prírodný bazén a obed) z Las Terrenas


Utečte z mesta a ponorte sa medzi historické a rybárske mesto Sanchez a hlavné mesto Los HaitisesSabana de la Mar. Sanchez je známy ako centrum exportu a na konci roku 1800 bol postavený vlak prichádzajúci z provincie La vega. Poďte s nami a užite si sladké vody jednej z neprebádaných pláží národného parku Los Haitises, kde sa nachádza záliv San Lorenzo. Miesto je dostupné loďou, obklopené dažďovým pralesom a mangrovovými lesmi. Počas plavby zo Sanchezu do Los Haitises sa dostanete do kontaktu s prírodou a nezabudnuteľnou krajinou tohto parku. Táto prehliadka bude kombináciou jazdy na kajaku, plavby loďou, návštevy jednej jaskyne a plávania v jednom z najdôležitejších národných parkov v krajine, tu je väčšina biodiverzity ostrova a druhý najväčší mangrovový les s viac ako 98 km2. 


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Los Haitises All In One (Kayaking, Hiking, Boating, Caving, Swimming Natural Pool & Lunch) From Las Terrenas


Los Haitises All In One is an Escape from the city to immerse yourself between the historical and fishing town of Sanchez and the capital of Los Haitises Sabana de la Mar. Sanchez is known as a center of exportation and for having a train that was coming from La vega province built a the end of 1800. Come with us and enjoy the fresh waters of one of the unexplored beaches of Los Haitises National Park, where San Lorenzo Bay is located.

The place is accessible by boat, surrounded by rainforest and mangrove forests. While you are navigating from Sanchez to Los Haitises you will get in contact with nature and the unforgettable landscape of this park. This tour will be a mix of kayaking, boating, visiting one cave, and swimming in one of the most important national parks in the country, here is the majority of the Biodiversity of the island, and the second largest mangrove forest with more than 98 km2. 

Our local and expert staff will make sure you really get to know the Taino’s culture, their history in Los Haitises, and their connection with nature. This tour is in ecotourism mode where the community gets to play a very important role, they are guides, Capitan boats, and drivers.

Booking Adventure’s priority is to make sure you get the best of the best, from the moment you buy the ticket until you finish your trip. Our tours are focused on environmental education, adventure, and local history and during this trip, you’ll get to see a little bit of everything. 

Inklúzie a vylúčenia

  • Speed Boat and Captain 
  • Jazda na kajaku 
  • Hiking Trail
  • Snacks, (water, fruits, Soda)
  • Local Lunch
  • Všetky dane, poplatky a manipulačné poplatky
  • Úradníci Ekológovia Sprievodcovia anglicky/španielsky
  • Swimming in Natural Pools or unexplored Beach 
  • Caving
  • Hotel Pick-up
  • Spropitné
  • Nápoj
Odlet a návrat

The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide or Staff member. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish at our meeting points.

Los Haitises All In One (Kayaking, Hiking, Boating, Caving, Swimming Natural Pool & Lunch) From Las Terrenas

Čo očakávať?

Get your ticket for the Eco-Adventure Tour Los Haitises National Park All In One 

This Excursion starts from a meeting point you must confirm with our travel Agents or your Tour Guide before heading to any location. Once you meet your guide you’ll have a debrief of the tour and everything related to your day.

When everyone is ready we will head to the first location which is the Los Haitises Trail where you will have a 30-minute hike, during the hike we`ll see different species of endemic plants and birds. 

After hiking we get back to the boat and ride to Playita Las Almejas where natural pools are, while we navigate through the mangrove forest and coat of San Lorenzo Bay we will share with you stories about Los Haitises, Geology and go over the mangroves species with having around San Lorenzo Bay. 

As we arrive at Las Almejas you should get your swimsuit ready to go on your kayak and paddle to the Cave of the line with your tour guide, the rest of the staff will wait for you until you finish the first part of the activity.

During this part of your trip, you will be able to go around the Old Las Perlas Port which is one of the first structures built by Europeans in the area, about 1876, and this was connected with a train line that was the transportation for the coffee, bananas and everything this group of European was farming in what is today Los Haitises. 

In the cave you will visit there are more than 1200 pictographs painted by the Tainos, this was a way to express themselves, and today this art tells us stories we never thought we would find nowadays. When you finish here we will head back to Playa de las Almejas for snacks and swimming time. 

On the way back from that área we will show you a few species of mangroves and talk about the importance of the mangrove forest for the ecology as an ecosystem.

When we finish kayaking and swimming then we will have a break to have some local lunch to embrace the local cuisine and taste the best white rice and red beans on the Caribbean Island. 

After lunch and some swimming at Los Haitises National Park we head back to Sanchez, on the way back enjoy 30 minutes ride to the Peninsula of Samana,  this excursion ends in the same place as it started.

Poznámka: Tieto zájazdy sú s oficiálnymi ekologickými sprievodcami. Prosím, rezervujte si čas, pretože v parku nie je príliš veľa špecialistov.

What should you bring?
  • fotoaparát
  • Bug Spray 
  • Opaľovací krém
  • Pohodlné nohavice
  • Hiking Shoes
  • Rain Jacket 
  • Swimsuit 
  • Towel
  • Drybag  

Vyzdvihnutie v hoteli

Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour. Just you are in the Santa Barbara de Samana, Las Terrenas, Las Galeras & Sanchez 

Poznámka: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up with extra Charges from any place in The Dominican Republic. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

Potvrdenie dodatočných informácií

  1. Vstupenky sú potvrdením po zaplatení tohto zájazdu. Platbu môžete zobraziť na svojom telefóne.
  2. Miesto stretnutia bude prijaté po procese rezervácie.
  3. Deti musia byť v sprievode dospelej osoby.
  4. Bezbariérový prístup
  5. Dojčatá musia sedieť na kolenách
  6. Neodporúča sa pre cestujúcich s problémami s chrbtom
  7. Neodporúča sa pre tehotné cestovateľky
  8. Žiadne srdcové problémy ani iné vážne zdravotné ťažkosti
  9. Väčšina cestovateľov sa môže zúčastniť

Podmienky zrušenia

Ak chcete získať plnú náhradu, prečítajte si naše pravidlá pre zrušenie Kliknite tu. Finančné prostriedky budú stratené, ak bude rezervácia zrušená v ten istý deň zájazdu.

[mkdf_section_title title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Haitises All In One (Kayaking, Hiking, Boating, Caving, Swimming Natural Pool & Lunch) From Las Terrenas” subtitle=”( All in One )” text=”This Experience Need a Minimum of 4 Participants. If you are not 4 please feel free to contact us!”]

Kayak Los Haitises
